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Author: Lens Protocol

This is the deprecated interface for previously Lens-compatible FollowModules.



Initializes a follow module for a given Lens profile. This can only be called by the hub contract.

function initializeFollowModule(uint256 profileId, bytes calldata data) external returns (bytes memory);


profileIduint256The token ID of the profile to initialize this follow module for.
databytesArbitrary data passed by the profile creator.


<none>bytesbytes The encoded data to emit in the hub.


Processes a given follow, this can only be called from the LensHub contract.

function processFollow(address follower, uint256 profileId, bytes calldata data) external;


followeraddressThe follower address.
profileIduint256The token ID of the profile being followed.
databytesArbitrary data passed by the follower.


This is a transfer hook that is called upon follow NFT transfer in `beforeTokenTransfer. This can only be called from the LensHub contract. NOTE: Special care needs to be taken here: It is possible that follow NFTs were issued before this module was initialized if the profile's follow module was previously different. This transfer hook should take this into consideration, especially when the module holds a state associated with individual follow NFTs.

function followModuleTransferHook(uint256 profileId, address from, address to, uint256 followNFTTokenId) external;


profileIduint256The token ID of the profile associated with the follow NFT being transferred.
fromaddressThe address sending the follow NFT.
toaddressThe address receiving the follow NFT.
followNFTTokenIduint256The token ID of the follow NFT being transferred.


This is a helper function that could be used in conjunction with specific collect modules. NOTE: This function IS meant to replace a check on follower NFT ownership. NOTE: It is assumed that not all collect modules are aware of the token ID to pass. In these cases, this should receive a followNFTTokenId of 0, which is impossible regardless. One example of a use case for this would be a subscription-based following system:

  1. The collect module:
  • Decodes a follower NFT token ID from user-passed data.
  • Fetches the follow module from the hub.
  • Calls isFollowing passing the profile ID, follower & follower token ID and checks it returned true.
  1. The follow module:
  • Validates the subscription status for that given NFT, reverting on an invalid subscription.
function isFollowing(uint256 profileId, address follower, uint256 followNFTTokenId) external view returns (bool);


profileIduint256The token ID of the profile to validate the follow for.
followeraddressThe follower address to validate the follow for.
followNFTTokenIduint256The followNFT token ID to validate the follow for.


<none>booltrue if the given address is following the given profile ID, false otherwise.