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Emitted when the NFT contract's name and symbol are set at initialization.

event BaseInitialized(string name, string symbol, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when the hub state is set.

event StateSet(
    address indexed caller,
    Types.ProtocolState indexed prevState,
    Types.ProtocolState indexed newState,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when the governance address is changed. We emit the caller even though it should be the previous governance address, as we cannot guarantee this will always be the case due to upgradeability.

event GovernanceSet(
    address indexed caller, address indexed prevGovernance, address indexed newGovernance, uint256 timestamp


Emitted when the emergency admin is changed. We emit the caller even though it should be the previous governance address, as we cannot guarantee this will always be the case due to upgradeability.

event EmergencyAdminSet(
    address indexed caller, address indexed oldEmergencyAdmin, address indexed newEmergencyAdmin, uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a profile creator is added to or removed from the whitelist.

event ProfileCreatorWhitelisted(address indexed profileCreator, bool indexed whitelisted, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when a profile is created.

event ProfileCreated(uint256 indexed profileId, address indexed creator, address indexed to, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when a delegated executors configuration is changed.

event DelegatedExecutorsConfigChanged(
    uint256 indexed delegatorProfileId,
    uint256 indexed configNumber,
    address[] delegatedExecutors,
    bool[] approvals,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a delegated executors configuration is applied.

event DelegatedExecutorsConfigApplied(
    uint256 indexed delegatorProfileId, uint256 indexed configNumber, uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a profile's follow module is set.

event FollowModuleSet(
    uint256 indexed profileId,
    address followModule,
    bytes followModuleReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a post is successfully published.

event PostCreated(
    Types.PostParams postParams,
    uint256 indexed pubId,
    bytes[] actionModulesInitReturnDatas,
    bytes referenceModuleInitReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a comment is successfully published.

event CommentCreated(
    Types.CommentParams commentParams,
    uint256 indexed pubId,
    bytes referenceModuleReturnData,
    bytes[] actionModulesInitReturnDatas,
    bytes referenceModuleInitReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a mirror is successfully published.

event MirrorCreated(
    Types.MirrorParams mirrorParams,
    uint256 indexed pubId,
    bytes referenceModuleReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a quote is successfully published.

event QuoteCreated(
    Types.QuoteParams quoteParams,
    uint256 indexed pubId,
    bytes referenceModuleReturnData,
    bytes[] actionModulesInitReturnDatas,
    bytes referenceModuleInitReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a followNFT clone is deployed using a lazy deployment pattern.

event FollowNFTDeployed(uint256 indexed profileId, address indexed followNFT, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when a collectNFT clone is deployed using a lazy deployment pattern.

event LegacyCollectNFTDeployed(
    uint256 indexed profileId, uint256 indexed pubId, address indexed collectNFT, uint256 timestamp


Emitted upon a successful action.

event Acted(
    Types.PublicationActionParams publicationActionParams,
    bytes actionModuleReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted upon a successful follow operation.

event Followed(
    uint256 indexed followerProfileId,
    uint256 idOfProfileFollowed,
    uint256 followTokenIdAssigned,
    bytes followModuleData,
    bytes processFollowModuleReturnData,
    address transactionExecutor,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted upon a successful unfollow operation.

event Unfollowed(
    uint256 indexed unfollowerProfileId, uint256 idOfProfileUnfollowed, address transactionExecutor, uint256 timestamp


Emitted upon a successful block, through a block status setting operation.

event Blocked(uint256 indexed byProfileId, uint256 idOfProfileBlocked, address transactionExecutor, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted upon a successful unblock, through a block status setting operation.

event Unblocked(
    uint256 indexed byProfileId, uint256 idOfProfileUnblocked, address transactionExecutor, uint256 timestamp


Emitted via callback when a collectNFT is transferred.

event CollectNFTTransferred(
    uint256 indexed profileId,
    uint256 indexed pubId,
    uint256 indexed collectNFTId,
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 timestamp


Emitted when the treasury address is set.

event TreasurySet(address indexed prevTreasury, address indexed newTreasury, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when the treasury fee is set.

event TreasuryFeeSet(uint16 indexed prevTreasuryFee, uint16 indexed newTreasuryFee, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when the metadata associated with a profile is set in the LensPeriphery.

event ProfileMetadataSet(uint256 indexed profileId, string metadata, address transactionExecutor, uint256 timestamp);


Emitted when an address' Profile Guardian state change is triggered.

event TokenGuardianStateChanged(
    address indexed wallet, bool indexed enabled, uint256 tokenGuardianDisablingTimestamp, uint256 timestamp


Emitted when a signer's nonce is used and, as a consequence, the next available nonce is updated.

event NonceUpdated(address indexed signer, uint256 nonce, uint256 timestamp);