Inherits: ITokenHandleRegistry
Author: Lens Protocol
This contract is used to link a token with a handle.
State Variables
address immutable LENS_HUB;
address immutable LENS_HANDLES;
bytes4 internal constant EIP1271_MAGIC_VALUE = 0x1626ba7e;
mapping(bytes32 handle => RegistryTypes.Token token) handleToToken;
mapping(bytes32 token => RegistryTypes.Handle handle) tokenToHandle;
mapping(address signer => uint256 nonce) public nonces;
constructor(address lensHub, address lensHandles);
function migrationLink(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId) external;
Links a handle NFT with a profile NFT. Linking means a connection between the two NFTs is created, and the handle NFT can be used to resolve the profile NFT or vice versa.
*In the first version of the registry, the NFT contracts are hard-coded:
- Handle is hard-coded to be of the .lens namespace
- Token is hard-coded to be of the Lens Protocol Profile In future versions, the registry will be more flexible and allow for different namespaces and tokens, so this function might be deprecated and replaced with a new one accepting addresses of the handle and token contracts.*
function link(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId) external;
Name | Type | Description |
handleId | uint256 | ID of the .lens namespace handle NFT |
profileId | uint256 | ID of the Lens Protocol Profile NFT |
function linkWithSig(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId, Types.EIP712Signature calldata signature) external;
function _link(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId, address transactionExecutor) private;
function _validateLinkSignature(Types.EIP712Signature calldata signature, uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId)
function _validateUnlinkSignature(Types.EIP712Signature calldata signature, uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId)
Wrapper for ecrecover to reduce code size, used in meta-tx specific functions.
function _validateRecoveredAddress(bytes32 digest, Types.EIP712Signature calldata signature) private view;
Calculates EIP712 digest based on the current DOMAIN_SEPARATOR.
function _calculateDigest(bytes32 hashedMessage) private view returns (bytes32);
Name | Type | Description |
hashedMessage | bytes32 | The message hash from which the digest should be calculated. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes32 | bytes32 A 32-byte output representing the EIP712 digest. |
function calculateDomainSeparator() internal view returns (bytes32);
Unlinks a handle NFT from a profile NFT.
*In the first version of the registry, the contracts are hard-coded:
- Handle is hard-coded to be of the .lens namespace
- Token is hard-coded to be of the Lens Protocol Profile In future versions, the registry will be more flexible and allow for different namespaces and tokens, so this function might be deprecated and replaced with a new one accepting addresses of the handle and token contracts.*
function unlink(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId) external;
Name | Type | Description |
handleId | uint256 | ID of the .lens namespace handle NFT |
profileId | uint256 | ID of the Lens Protocol Profile NFT |
function unlinkWithSig(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId, Types.EIP712Signature calldata signature) external;
function _unlink(uint256 handleId, uint256 profileId, address transactionExecutor) private;
Resolves a handle NFT to a profile NFT.
*In the first version of the registry, the contracts are hard-coded:
- Handle is hard-coded to be of the .lens namespace
- Token is hard-coded to be of the Lens Protocol Profile In future versions, the registry will be more flexible and allow for different namespaces and tokens, so this function might be deprecated and replaced with a new one.*
function resolve(uint256 handleId) external view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
handleId | uint256 | ID of the .lens namespace handle NFT |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | tokenId ID of the Lens Protocol Profile NFT |
Gets a default handle for a profile NFT (aka reverse resolution).
*In the first version of the registry, the contracts are hard-coded:
- Handle is hard-coded to be of the .lens namespace
- Token is hard-coded to be of the Lens Protocol Profile In future versions, the registry will be more flexible and allow for different namespaces and tokens, so this function might be deprecated and replaced with a new one.*
function getDefaultHandle(uint256 profileId) external view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
profileId | uint256 |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | handleId ID of the .lens namespace handle NFT |
function _resolveHandleToToken(RegistryTypes.Handle memory handle)
returns (RegistryTypes.Token storage);
function _resolveTokenToHandle(RegistryTypes.Token memory token) internal view returns (RegistryTypes.Handle storage);
function _executeLinkage(
RegistryTypes.Handle memory handle,
RegistryTypes.Token memory token,
address transactionExecutor
) internal;
function _deleteTokenToHandleLinkageIfAny(RegistryTypes.Handle memory handle, address transactionExecutor) internal;
function _deleteHandleToTokenLinkageIfAny(RegistryTypes.Token memory token, address transactionExecutor) internal;
function _executeUnlinkage(
RegistryTypes.Handle memory handle,
RegistryTypes.Token memory token,
address transactionExecutor
) internal;
function _handleHash(RegistryTypes.Handle memory handle) internal pure returns (bytes32);
function _tokenHash(RegistryTypes.Token memory token) internal pure returns (bytes32);
This fetches a signer's current nonce and increments it so it's ready for the next meta-tx. Also emits
the NonceUpdated
function _getNonceIncrementAndEmitEvent(address signer) private returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
signer | address | The address to get and increment the nonce for. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | uint256 The current nonce for the given signer prior to being incremented. |